Thousand thoughts

well my exams are from 5th and m still not prepared ...thousands of thoughts popping into my head..not willing to study only dreaming which is one of my fav hobby...lately i ve watched the swearing ceremony and there i saw Mr.shashi Tharoor...who was there ..and really lukd handsome than the newspapers pictures...well cumin 2 my point.. has ne1 read the "Great Indian novel" ? it is written by Tharoor .in that buk he is continuously criticizing "priya duryodhani" i.e. Indira Gandhi and the Indian national Congress but on the contrary he is here in the Parliament Swearing ....taking an oath ...Representing CONGRESS.really paradoxical huh............but i SWEAR that the novel is a A1 ...must read novel.every Indian should read it ...but still i have not got this POLICY of tharoor .Hope India rise.and i really appreciate our own NORTHEASTERN GIRL (or our DESI girl) Agatha changma......KEEP IT UP. youth India...and yo India


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